15 Movies to Watch Again and Again

15 Movies to Watch Again and Again

Photo by Nathan Engel from Pexels

There are some movies worth watching again once in a while and others that you forget immediately when you step out of the theaters.

We all have our favorite movies and memorable scenes that we like to watch again and again. As a matter of fact, we sometimes search on Youtube just to re-watch a particular scene from a movie to satisfy our craving.

So, here goes my list of 15 Movies worth Watching Again and Again.

Inglourious Basterds

Movie to watch again

One of my favorite movies by Quentin Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds has great acting, intelligent dialogue and a captivating story line.

There are so many great scenes and classic lines from the movie worth re-watching.

Movie Scene to Watch AgainBar Scene

My favorite part about this scene was the tension when the German SS Officer realizes that he was talking to enemies disguising themselves as German officers.

There was silence between the characters and no dialogue, apart from background noise.

From the expression of the SS officer you knew that a confrontation was about to happen.

The best part was when Michael Fassbender’s character switched to English, the SS officer replied “By All Means, Captain”, in English as well.

It shockingly revealed how dangerous these SS officers were if you thought that they could not spy on you because they were Germans and you were speaking in English.

In fact, the whole movie is worth watching again as every scene is a classic on it’s own.

Star Wars: Rouge One

I remember the night I watched Star Wars: Rouge One and came home trying to search for that one intense scene towards the end of the movie.

It was like an insatiable thirst and I had to immediately re-watch the scene to quench the thirst. Yes, it was the Darth Vader Massacre scene and the one scene that showed how he earned his reputation as one of the most terrifying Sith Lords of all time.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Darth Vader’s Rage Scene

I captured a lot more details on my second and third re-watching of this scene. For example, did you notice that Darth Vader actually cut a rebel who was pinned to the ceiling in half without even turning around?

Another small detail I liked was how the lightsaber penetrated a rebel’s body and protruded from the other side of the door.

The Dark Knight Trilogy

Movie to Watch Again

The Dark Knight Trilogy by Christopher Nolan is arguably the best Super Hero Movie to date and I doubt that it could ever be surpassed.

Unlike past Batman movies which were nothing more than popcorn flicks, Christopher Nolan’s Batman reboot was dark, realistic and had a lot of depth.

Of the 3 movies, I have re-watched the Dark Knight the most number of times, followed by The Dark Knight Rises. Batman Begins, was a great movie as well, but I did not re-watch it too many times.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Batman Begins Batsuit Scene

Most Super Hero movie about the origin of the Super hero will have a scene depicting how they got started designing their costumes and their inspiration behind it.

-Why Bats? Master Wayne

– Bats frighten me. it’s time my enemies share my dread.

Epic line in a movie titled “Batman Begins“.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: The Dark Knight Ending Scene

The ending of The Dark Knight was great because it ended with the Joker’s plan succeeding. The Joker took the best of the lot, Harvey Dent and turned him into a murderous criminal. It is rare to have a movie with the villain emerging as the winner, especially in Super Hero movies.

The only way to “win” was to have Batman take the rap for the murders and have the police hunt him down.

The movie ends with a speech by Jim Gordan proclaiming Batman the “silent protector and the Dark Knight” and shows Batman escaping in his Batpod, with emotional music playing in the background.

When the credits rolled, it took me a good 3-5 seconds to take it all in and I remember saying out loud “This is a great movie”.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: The Dark Knight Rises Ending Scene

The ending scene of The Dark Knight Rises concludes this epic trilogy. Alfred sees Bruce Wayne well and alive, with a female companion Selena Kyle by his side.

They nod at and acknowledge each other, without exchanging a single word and Alfred leaves, satisfied that he did not let down the Waynes after all.

Bruce Wayne was able to pass on his mantle to Robin and finally lead the life he deserves.

The Shawshank Redemption

Movie to Watch Again

A story about hope, friendship, morals, justice and so much more. I did not watch this movie until I watched Prison Break and my brother pointed out that there were many scenes which seemed to be inspired by The Shawshank Redemption.

Morgan Freeman’s voice narrating the story and what was going on within him emotionally was very comforting to listen to and a great way to connect different scenes.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Andy Escapes

The Warden behaved like a nasty boss in front of all his officers and that is what he truly is.

“I want him found, not tomorrow, Not after breakfast, now!”

This line is used pretty often when talking to my work colleagues in jest.

“I want this issue resolved. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast, Now!”


Movie to Watch Again

The movie Taken is in my opinion the best movie out of the 3. It never gets old and the phone speech scene between Liam Neeson and the kidnapper has now become one of the most iconic scenes in movie history.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Phone Speech

I thought that the speech was really bad-ass. Hands up all of you who have memorized this entire speech by heart.


Movie to Watch Again

Braveheart has one of the most epic pre-talk before a battle ever. It brought tears to my eyes when I first watched it in the theaters.

“Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you’ll live — at least a while. And, dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!?!”

The arrogance of the English and how they got beaten shortly after was really pleasing to watch.

Then there is this heart wrenching scene towards the end of the movie.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: “Is he qualified?”

The two scenes above are the more famous and well known scenes from Braveheart. However, my personal favorite is actually this scene.

“Who is this person who speaks to me as though I needed his advice?” I have actually used this line on an obnoxious colleague who wanted to have a say on every thing that the group was discussing about, even though he was not even part of the team.

Til this day, I can still remember the shock on his face as he walked away silently.

Saving Private Ryan

Movie to Watch Again

The opening battle scene in Saving Private Ryan will go down as the best warfare scene of all time. It is a true masterpiece.

It is also great for testing your sound system if you have a home theater.

The scene where a soldier had his arm blown off and he casually picked it up and continued moving forward clearly depicted the confusion and loss of ability to think rationally in the thick of battle.

Yet, the scene actually drew some laughter from the audience as I recall. I believe they were some teenagers laughing to hide how disturbed they were by the scene.


Movie to Watch again
Are you not entertained?

Every time I come across Gladiator showing on TV, it never fails to capture my attention.

The opening scene shows the respect and loyalty the Roman Army has for General Maximus.

“At my signal, unleash hell.” One of the coolest lines I have ever heard.

The Lords of the Rings Trilogy

Movie to Watch Again

Peter Jackson’s adaptation of J.R.R Tolkiens novel The Lord of the Rings is an epic fantasy story of the adventures of hobbits, men,elves, dwarves and wizards.

There are numerous scenes throughout the movie that made me well up with tears. I was touched by the friendship between Sam and Frodo as well as the bravery of the characters in facing times of despair.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Ride of the Rohirrim

With the powerful music playing in the background and the Rohirrim’s arrival at the nick of time, this was a really gripping scene. When King Theoden shouted “Death!” three times before the charge, I was really overwhelmed with emotions.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: The Ring is Destroyed

When the Ring fell back into the Crack of Mount doom, I really loved that it was not destroyed immediately.

Instead, the Ring hangs on and floats on the surface of the lava as you hold your breathe thinking that it was still not over yet.

Only when the Ring finally melts away do you let out a sigh of relief knowing that the impossible task has been accomplished.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Saruman’s Speech

There are many great battle scenes in The Lord of the Rings. However, I do find that the best parts of the movie are those of dialogue or rallying speeches.

Christopher Lee’s steady delivery of instructions to slaughter all at Helm’s Deep ending with an almost maniacal “To WAR!!!!” is probably one of the best performances in the Trilogy.


Movie to Watch Again

Personally, I like Goodfellas a lot more than the Godfather Trilogy, both being movies about the Mafia.

Goodfellas has lots of funny and humorous parts and is at times, equally violent.The way the story is told, with narration by Ray Liotta in the background,really keeps you captivated. You could understand what was going by being told directly and it makes the movie very easy and relaxing to watch

Movie Scenes to Watch Again: Funny How?

I actually tried this once with my friends. I didn’t manage to pull it off. All I got was weird looks from my friends wondering what effect I was trying to achieve. I had to show them this video clip to clarify.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Pistol Whip

In this scene, Henry Hill crosses the street to teach his girl friend’s neighbor a lesson for harassing her. I absolutely love how the neighbor started to trash talk but was retaliated not with more trash talk by Henry Hill but intense violence.

The straight forward, no nonsense attitude is really what I enjoy about this scene.

Movie Scene To Watch Again: Shine Box

This is a great scene and I liked how Tommy was obviously reluctant to acknowledge Billy Bats’ presence but was obliged to say Hi as Bats was a made man. You see how a brief exchange of pleasantries quickly spiral out of control.

Pulp Fiction

I started this article with a movie from Quentin Tarantino so I shall end it with another classic from the master, Pulp Fiction.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Hamburgers Scene

In this scene, the best part I like is their casual conversation at the start and then they get down to work immediately when the door opens. If you have ever wondered what killers were doing before they appear looking all cool and vicious, here is your answer.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: The Wolf

Watching this scene really makes me want to taste Jimmy’s coffee. This scene always comes to my mind whenever I drink good coffee.

Movie Scene to Watch Again: Bring Out the Gimp

This scene is as disturbing as it is entertaining. Watching Marcellus turn the table around and imaging what pain he is going to mete out to the Rapist was really satisfying.

In Summary

The movies listed are some of my favorites and are listed in no particular order. It is also by no means an exhaustive list.

Do post in the comments section on what you like about these movies and share if you have any movies that are worth re-watching again and again.

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